Archive for the ‘Podcast’ Category

Magic of Eyri 009-Just Aqueducty

Sunday, August 2nd, 2009

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Welcome back, loyal listeners.

In our last episode: A Hawken warrior tries to convince Steve to hand over his blue heron amulet, but the negotiations take a nasty turn and Steve receives help from Mudd the duck–the bartender of the pub where Steve and Uncle Shameless were captured.

Today’s episode: Our heroes continue their escape from the Hawk King’s castle, using an old aqueduct as a make-shift water slide.  Meanwhile, we are introduced to the Hawk King’s second in command, U’nala, a one-winged Hawken who has gone crazy from decades of administrative work.  Nevik, the Hawken who tried to bring Steve to the Hawk King, informs U’nala of The Boy’s arrivial in the city.  U’nala doesn’t know who this The Boy person is, but he’s fairly certain it means bad news for the Hawk King–which always means more work for him.

Listen to the First Episode :: List of all Episodes

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Technical Notes: Some sound effects courtesy of (User Attribution list). Other sound effects and music by GarageBand.

For more information on the story, please visit the About and Characters pages. These sections will be updated as episodes are put online since I don’t want to spoil too much ahead of time.


Daniel J. Hogan
(Host, Narrator, Characters)

Next Time on The Magic of Eyri (8.16.09): Are You a Pelican or a Pelican’t? — Steve and Uncle Shameless make a new friend.  A Mystic of Zuu tells Nevik and U’nala of The Prophecy.  Nevik informs the Hawk King of Steve’s arrivial. U’nala fills out more paper work.  Special Note: Introduces Robin Hudson (of Angel Between the Lines) as the voice of Eira, the pelican!

Ramblings: This episode is a bit short, but don’t worry–some of the next few will be longer.  I enjoy writing/voicing U’nala because he lets me be over the top/goofy, something I didn’t want to do with Fiach-Ra.  He’s kind of the Starscream to Fiach-Ra’s Megatron.

Stay Updated — follow @danieljhogan on Twitter

Steve’s Twitter, Cast Updates

Friday, July 31st, 2009

That’s right gang, Steve, our relucant teenage hero of the podcast, now has his own Twitter account (@steveharrier).  I’ll post more than just the latest episodes there, as I plan to do tweets that go along with the store…and yes, they’ll continue even after Steve ‘arrives’ in Eyri…despite there being no cell phone service.

I see it as a fun way to expand the Magic of Eyri universe a bit.  Can’t promise frequent updates, but you never know.  I have my own account (@danieljhogan) that I update a few times a day however, and it appears in the side bar of the website (and my personal website).

I may do a page here with Steve’s Twitter updates.

Speaking of page updates, I updated the Cast page — and I’m pleased as punch to announce Robin Hudson (of Angel Between the Lines and other podcasts) as our newest cast member.  Robin will be providing the voice of Eira the pelican, starting with Episode 010, “Are You a Pelican or a Pelican’t.”